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    This module aims to offer agricultural entrepreneurs tools for
    - acquiring useful concepts to self assess one's propensity to do business, and
    - acquiring the method and the logical process that allows to transform an initial idea into a
    structured pathway and then into a business project.

    What is creativity?

    Where creative ideas arise?

    What tools can be used to stimulate creativity?

    Business strategy concepts and strategic analysis.

    What are the business goals and mission?

    What is the CANVAS business model?

    How is the European agro-food market context?
    How to do a Market Analysis for a farmer?
    How should it be a Marketing Plan for a Farmer?

    Web marketing is that set of "unconventional" tools, techniques and marketing methods used to promote a brand and / or products and services through the internet.

    It includes the use of social media, search engines, blogging, videos, and email.

    What does agriculture look like in the future?

    Where is the key to more sustainable farm returns every year?

    How are bird-based farms with artificial intelligence managed?

    General context for farming financing.
    Bank fundings
    Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) fundings.

    Risk is a component of all business activities, but the agricultural and livestock  sector has its peculiarities.

    Farms are subjected to different risks that can compromise their income:

    - risks related to production (agronomic, phytosanitary, health, environmental, climate, etc.);

    - market risks (fluctuation of the selling prices);

    -risks linked to the price of production’s  factors.

    In a changing world, the EU’s economy needs innovation to become smarter, more sustainable and more inclusive. 

    Along with its growth, the EU has launched the  strategy EU 2020, an initiative aimed to help all EU countries to provide their citizens with a more competitive economy, more and better jobs and a better quality of life.

    One speaks of an investment, if the today's dedication of money (= payment) takes place with the intention to reach with the use of funds a higher return of money (= deposit) in the future.

    Investment is the means of obtaining tangible-fixed assets, financial assets and intangible investments provided for use.

    Investments are associated with:

    • high capital investment,
    • longer-term investments of funds that significantly exceed the duration of one year,
    • far-reaching effects in other divisions.

    What's the entrepreneurship; who is the entrepreneur; Motivations to be an entrepreneur; Disadvantages of being an entrepreneur; Entrepreneurship: deadly mistakes and    how to avoid them; Entrepreneur's profile, skills and attitude; Entrepreneurship process.  

    Identification of business opportunities; How to have or take advantage of a good business idea; Evaluation of the viability of the business idea; Implementation of the business idea; Advantages and structure of the business plan; Tools of creativity in business planning.

    Strategic management basic concepts; Strategic business analysis; Business mission and goals; Strategic options for the new company; CANVAS Business model.    

    Study of the market in general: Issues relevant to the market analysis, how to study the market, collection of secondary data on the market; Customer behavior analysis: Issues relevant to the analysis of customer; collection of primary data on customers; Competitive Analysis: Identification and analysis of competitors, collection of primary data on competitors.  

    Strategic marketing decisions: Objectives and marketing strategies, Segmentation and targeting, Axes positioning and differentiation factors; Marketing mix: Supply management (product-markets matrix, pricing policy, distribution and / or location, communication mix, people, physical evidence, processes), Marketing investments; Sales forecasts.

    Introduction to logistics and distribution, Customer service and logistics, Channels of  distribution; Planning for Logistics. Procurement, Outsourcing and Inventory Decisions. Warehousing and Storage. Information and the Supply Chain.

    Information and Knowledge Society; Information and Information Systems; Contextual Overview of E-Business and E-Commerce; Digital Business Models; Digital Business Technologies; Social Networks in Digital Business; Internet and society: privacy and regulation.

    Staffing needs, roles and responsibilities; Practices of human resource management: recruitment, selection and training of employees, remuneration practice and performance appraisal systems; initial and continuing training

    Legal registration process of companies. Choice of legal form. Legal and licensing procedures; National fiscal rules and obligations. Tax and legal rules for international (European) commercial transactions; Legal and fiscal aspects of the employment relationship; Institutional and financial framework support to businesses. Legal aspects of industrial and intellectual property.

    Economic and financial assumptions; Investment plan, operating plan and financial plan. Sales Forecast, Costs Forecast, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Forecast.  Indicators to forecast profitability analysis: Break-even, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return. Sensitivity analysis. Financing the business. Sources of financing. Financing alternatives, venture capital, entrepreneurial finance and incentive schemes to support investment.

    Esta disciplina apresenta o manual de introdução à plataforma moodle.

    O que é o empreendedorismo; O que é ser empreendedor; Motivos para se ser empreendedor; Desvantagens de se ser um empreendedor; Empreendedorismo: erros graves e como evitá-los; Perfil, competências e atitudes dos empreendedores; Processo empreendedor.  

    Desenvolvimento de ideias e oportunidades de negócio; Como ter ou aproveitar uma boa ideia de negócio; Avaliação da viabilidade da ideia de negócio; Concretização da ideia de negócio; Vantagens e estrutura dos planos de negócio; Ferramentas de criatividade em negócios.

    Conceitos básicos de gestão estratégica; Análise estratégica do negócio; Missão e objetivos do negócio; Opções estratégicas para a nova empresa; Modelo de negócios CANVAS.

    O estudo de mercado em geral: aspetos relevantes para a análise de mercado, como estudar o mercado, recolha de dados secundários; Análise do comportamento dos clientes: aspetos relevantes para a análise do cliente; recolha de dados primários dos clientes; Análise Competitiva: identificação e análise dos competidores, recolha de dados primários dos competidores.    

    Decisões estratégicas de marketing: Objetivos e estratégias de marketing, Segmentação e posicionamento, Eixos de posicionamento e fatores de diferenciação; Marketing mix: gestão da oferta (matriz produtos-mercados, política de preços, distribuição e localização, mix de comunicação, pessoas, processos), investimentos em marketing; Previsão de vendas.

    Introdução à logística e distribuição, serviços aos clientes e  logística, canais de distribuição; Planeamento  para a Logística. Decisões de aquisições, outsourcing e gestão de inventários. Gestão de armazenamento. A Informação e a Cadeia de Valor.

    Informação e Sociedade do Conhecimento; Informação e Sistemas de Informação; Visão contextual do E-Business e do E-Commerce; Modelos de Negócio Digital; Tecnologias de Negócio Digital; Redes Sociais em Negócios Digitais; Internet e Sociedade: privacidade e regulação.

    Necessidades em pessoal, funções e competências; Práticas da gestão de recursos humanos: recrutamento, seleção e formação dos colaboradores, remunerações a praticar e sistemas de avaliação de desempenho; Formação inicial e formação contínua.

    Processo de constituição das empresas. Escolha da forma jurídica; Trâmites legais e de licenciamento; Regras e obrigações fiscais nacionais; Normas e regras fiscais para as transações comerciais internacionais, nomeadamente europeias; Elementos jurídicos e fiscais da relação laboral; Aspetos legais de propriedade industrial e intelectual.

    Pressupostos económico-financeiros; Plano de investimento, de exploração e de financiamento do negócio; Indicadores de análise previsional da rentabilidade: VAL, TIR e Período de Recuperação do investimento; Análise de sensibilidade; Alternativas de financiamento; Fundos e mecanismos de apoio ao investimento existentes; Procura e acesso a sistemas de incentivos ao investimento.

    Каква е предприемачеството; Кой е предприемачът; Мотивация да бъдеш предпредприемач; Недостатъците на предприемачеството; Предприемачеството: Фатални грешки и как да ги избегнем; Предприемаческият профил, умения и нагласи; Предварителна подготовка за  предприемачи.

    Идентифициране на възможности за бизнеса; Как да имам или да се възползвам от по-добра бизнес идея;

    Оценка на жизнеспособността на бизнес идеята;

    Изпълнение на бизнес идеята; Предимства и структура на бизнес плана;

    Инструменти на креативност в бизнес планирането.

    стратегическо управление: основни понятия; Стратегически бизнес анализ; Бизнес мисия и цели; Стратегически възможности за новото дружество; CANVAS бизнес модел. 

    Проучване на пазара като цяло: въпроси, свързани с анализа на пазара, как да се проучи пазара, събиране на вторични данни за пазара;Анализ на поведението на потребителите: въпроси, свързани с анализа на клиента; събиране на първични данни за клиенти;Анализ на конкуренцията: идентифициране и анализ на конкурентите, събиране на данни за конкурентите.

    Стратегически маркетинг решения: цели и маркетингови стратегии, сегментиране и насочване, Позициониране на факторите на пазара;

    Маркетинг микс: Управление на доставките(продуктови пазари матрични, ценова политика, разпространение и / или местоположение,комуникация микс,хората,веществени доказателства процеси), маркетинг инвестиции;прогнози за продажби. 

    Въведение в логистиката и дистрибуцията, сервиз и логистика за клиентите, каналите за разпространение;

    Планиране н логистиката. Аутсорсинг и Нови решения. Складиране и съхранение. Информация и на верига за доставки.

    Информация и информационно общество; Информация и информационни системи; Контекстуални прегледи на електронния бизнес и търговия;

    дигитални бизнес модели; Цифрови бизнес технологии; Социални мрежи в дигиталния бизнес; Интернет и общество: неприкосновено. 

    Нужди от персонал, роли и отговорности; Практики на човешките ресурси управление: набиране, подбор и обучение на работниците и служителите, на практика възнагражденията и оценка на персонала системи; първоначално и продължаващо обучение.

    Правни процеси за регистрация на фирми. Избор на правна форма. Юридически и лицензионни процедури;

    Националните фискални правила и задължения. Данък

    и юридически правила за международни (европейски) търговски сделки; Правните и финансови аспекти на заетостта ;

    Институционална и финансова рамка за подкрепа на бизнеса.

    Правни аспекти на индустриалната и интелектуалната собственост.

    Икономически и финансови предположения; Инвестиционен план, оперативен план и финанси- финансов план. Прогнозирани продажби; Разходи, баланси, прогнози. Индикатори за прогнозиране на рентабилността анализа: изравняващ, нетна настояща стойност, обща норма на възвръщаемост. Анализ на чувствителността. Финансиране на бизнеса. Източници на финансиране. Алтернативи за финансиране, рисков капитал, предприемачески финанси и общи схеми за подкрепа на инвестициите.

    Qué es emprendimiento; Quién es emprendedor; Motivaciones para ser un emprendedor; Desventajas de ser emprendedor; Emprendimiento: errores mortales y como evitarlos; Perfil de Emprendedor, habilidades y actitud; Proceso de Emprendimiento. Ventajas y estructura del Plan de Negocios.

    Qué es creatividad; Dónde surgen las ideas creativas; Herramientas para estimular la creatividad; Innovación: concepto, importancia, tipos; Innovación versus emprendimiento.

    Conceptos básicos de estrategia de negocio; Análisis estratégico de negocio; Visión, misión y objetivos del negocio; Opciones estratégicas de la nueva empresa; Modelo de negocio CANVAS.

    Análisis general del mercado; Análisis del comportamiento del consumidor; Análisis competitivo: Identificación y análisis de los competidores, recogida de datos primarios de los competidores. Investigación de mercado.

    Decisiones estratégicas de Marketing: Objetivos y estrategias de marketing, Segmentación  y objetivos, Ejes de posicionamiento y factores diferenciadores; Marketing mix: Gestión de la oferta (producto, ciclo de vida del producto, política de precios, distribución,  política de comunicación, personas, procesos), Inversión en marketing.

    Introducción a la logística y la cadena de suministro, Logística de suministro y distribución; Decisiones sobre el abastecimiento e inventario; Almacenaje; Transporte.

    Sociedad de la información y del conocimiento; Sistemas de información de gestión; Negocio y comercio electrónico; Modelos de negocio digital; Tecnologías de empresa digital; Internet y sociedad: privacidad y regulación.

    Necesidades de personal, puestos y  responsabilidades; Prácticas de la gestión de recursos humanos: contratación, selección y Formación de los trabajadores, gestión de la remuneración y Sistemas de evaluación del rendimiento; Formación inicial y continua.

    Formas jurídicas; Trámites para la constitución de la empresa.

    Supuestos económicos y financieros; Plan de inversión, plan de explotación y  plan financiero. Cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias; Balance de situación, Previsión de flujo de caja. Indicadores para prever el análisis de rentabilidad: Umbral de rentabilidad,  Tasa interna de retorno. Análisis del punto de equilibrio. Análisis de sensibilidad. Financiación de empresas. Fuentes de financiación.

    Wie gründe ich ein Unternehmen

    This study has as objective to describe the current situation about youth development in family farming. It was prepared by the World Coordinating Committee (WCC) of the IYFF+10/Decade of Family Farming, in 2018.

    A Europe 2020 initiative, ESCO is the multilingual classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations. It identifies and categorises skills, competences, qualifications and occupations relevant for the EU labour market and education and training, in 25 European languages. The system provides occupational profiles showing the relationships between occupations, skills, competences and qualifications. ESCO has been developed in an open IT format, is available for use free of charge by everyone and can be accessed through an online portal.

    This edition of the EAFRD Projects Brochure presents twelve projects that show how Rural Development policy is helping to make rural areas more attractive places for young people to live and work, in agriculture and beyond.

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It's a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. The term is generally used to mean a physical folder or portfolio documenting your development as a professional.